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Itsy Bitsy Spider Veins

Oct 07, 2015 11:01AM ● By Flint Zerangue, Sr.
Up to 55% of adults find warped blood vessels such as small red sprays or jagged blue or purple lines spreading across their thighs and calves. If fair-skinned and prone to redness or rosacea, small broken red lines can appear on the cheeks and nose. Known as spider veins, they resemble a spider web pattern. Larger swollen, bulging, twisted and typically bluish colored cords, known as varicose veins, usually sprout on the legs and ankles.

The most common causes of spider veins and varicose veins is heredity, but other factors include standing, sitting with legs crossed, obesity, pregnancy, hormonal changes, hormone medicines and ultraviolet light. 
Spider veins can be aesthetically unattractive and embarrassing. Although they are usually harmless, they can be a sign of poor circulation and varicose vein formation. For the more superficial small veins or spider veins, a board certified Dermatologist with experience in treatment of this condition is recommended. If your veins match the description of varicose veins, a vascular surgeon is the right choice. 

The good news is there are time-tested and safe treatments for spider veins that are effective 
  and result in little to no downtime when performed by a skilled and experienced provider. As we head into the fall and winter months, now is the ideal time to treat spider vein issues. 

SCLEROTHERAPY (SKLER-o-ther-a-pee), when done correctly, is the most common and effective treatment of spider veins on the legs. The doctor injects an approved medical grade liquid into the vein which causes the vein walls to swell, stick together, seal shut, and fade within a few weeks. This treatment does not require anesthesia, can be done in your doctor’s office and has no downtime. On average, 2 to 3 treatments are needed to remove spider veins in the legs.


SURFACE LASER TREATMENTS can effectively treat spider veins on the legs and face. This technique sends very strong bursts of light through the skin onto the vein. This makes the vein slowly fade and disappear. A few treatments may be necessary to completely erase the veins. Proper evaluation by a board certified skin expert prior to laser therapy and treatments performed by an experienced, certified laser technician under the supervision and on-site presence of a physician skin expert is important to ensure safety and effectiveness. 

In aesthetic medicine, an experienced, board certified and aesthetically active dermatologist is my recommendation for the greatest safety, the most advanced non-surgical technique and the best results.

About the author: Dr. Chris Hubbell is the Medical Director of a Jeuné Advanced Medical Spa and Acadiana Dermatology. He has been in practice since 1991 and is Board Certified by the American Board of Dermatology. Dr. Hubbell is committed to offering the very best in medical, surgical, and aesthetic skincare. -Lafayette, Louisiana