Comme Ca: Like that!
Jul 05, 2016 03:44PM ● By News Desk

Jessica Istre, Maurice
Independence Day to me is a reminder to us all to remember the brave because we are free!

Kyleen Beebe, Lafayette
Grateful to be an American and proud of our troops who guarantee our freedom.

Sarah Gerami, Lafayette
Independence Day is a time for us Americans to join hands and celebrate our freedom given to us through the selfless sacrifices made by our men and women fighting for our country.

Stena Myers, Lafayette
Freedom, fun in the sun, food, friends & family….and a grand finale of fireworks!!

Sonya Richard, Parks
Remembering those who fight for us as well as celebrating with family, food, and fireworks.

Krista Vedeen, Lafayette
Independence Day is a reminder of many sacrifices made and a day of reflection about the value of freedom. USA!

Ashley Choate, Lafayette
It’s a time to celebrate with family and friends, recognizing our founding fathers for laying down a foundation allowing us to enjoy life as free citizens. And fireworks, of course!

Lindsey Jennings, Lafayette
It’s a day to remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice through blood, sweat and tears to give us our freedoms and make America what it is today—One Nation Under God.