#IntentionalPositivity: YOU ARE WORTH IT!
Sep 05, 2018 03:24PM ● By Laurie James
As a Master Career Director and International Job and Career Transition Coach, I am often asked to coach clients through salary negotiation when they are looking for a promotion or a new job. After 32 years of assisting clients, here’s some thought-provoking information that might be “worth” your while to consider.
In determining your value, we must first figure out how your worth is measured? More importantly, how do YOU measure your own worth?
Frank Capra illustrated this beautifully in his classic movie, It’s a Wonderful Life. So, imagine that you are George Bailey in the movie. As the movie concludes, George Bailey hears these words from his brother, “Here’s to George Bailey, the richest man in town!” On the surface, this sounds like George’s worth is based on money. In reality, his worth is based on the countless gestures and heart he has extended to others throughout his life. This is the tear-jerking climax of the movie!
So, what would life look like if you had never been born? Here’s a short list of people who might be “worthless” without you:
Family: Parents, grandparents, spouse, siblings, children, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and/or cousins
Friends: BFFs, friends, and/or acquaintances
Work: Employers, colleagues, subordinates, clients, or even your transportation engineer (driver)
Home: Neighbors, subdivision board, church congregation
Enemies: You know who these are
Invisible People: What about that person who receives a charitable gift (financial or gesture) from you … someone you’ve never even met?
After careful review, have you concluded that you do have some tangible worth in the lives of others? If not, dig deeper!
The reality is that we all have a GREAT impact on countless other people. You ARE worth a great deal! You ARE valuable! The trick is to constantly stay humble and grateful for all the blessings you’ve enjoyed throughout your life. Only then can you truly determine your own worth! And YES, this worth can translate into salary negotiation on your next career move!
Remember: Your worth is not determined by dollars and cents. It is determined by your efforts on a daily basis. So many people count on you – not monetarily – but through your actions! Consider that when you are looking unemployment square in the eyes! It will lift you up and bring your true center where it needs to be … valuing you … Val-YOU!