#IntentionalPositivity: The Best Gifts for YOU!!!
Dec 02, 2019 09:36AM ● By Laurie James
As the holiday season is upon us, the emphasis is usually on family and friends. And while planning beautiful gatherings can yield amazing results--if the thought of togetherness leaves a bad taste in your mouth, consider trying a different thought process.
At a recent funeral, the priest shared profound thoughts about life and what’s really important. He said, “FAMILY is an acronym: Forget About Me, I Love You!” These words resonated profoundly with me! If we stop thinking about ourselves, we can concentrate on others with SELFLESS love!
S – Start with a plan including others as your top priority! Remember, the focus of Thanksgiving should be GIVING!! If you are struggling in your own life, doing something kind for someone less fortunate will make you forget about yourself and realize that our world is filled with others who really need us!
E – Empathize with the struggling calendars of others. If the choice is intentionally made, holidays can be about those with whom you want to spend time. Others are struggling just like you to create more hours in a day to please everyone else. Empathize with patience and grace. Others will notice!
L – Live in the moment. There is beauty and positivity in EVERY single moment of life. Even if you find yourself at a funeral home over the holidays, try to find positive memories to help you (and others) through the difficult time.
F – Find time to do the things you dread doing. Even if you’re looking for a different job, concentrate on this consistently every single day, then treat yourself to the things that you want to do as a reward! Turn those obligations into wants instead of needs, and you will make a big shift for the positive! Forget About Me, I Love You: Put others first to make the biggest positive difference this season! You never know … one of the people you pour into might have your next career opportunity!!
L – Laugh with (not at) others! Make this a new effort! They say that laughter is the best medicine! Embrace that thought and make it a reality! Actually, this can be applied year-round! It’s never too early to stockpile stories to share
E – Engage in activities that stretch your creativity! Try a new recipe in the kitchen! Shop at a different store than you are used to! Try a small project that you’ve been putting off, because you’ve been too scared to fail … and even if you do fail, it might bring laughter and a great memory! Watch a new TV show … drive through a different neighborhood! Use the road less traveled, and it will lead you on an adventure that may turn out to be THE story of the holiday season!
S – Start a new tradition of visiting the elderly in nursing homes. Bring family or friends with you. Holidays can be lonely places for some who remain “stuck” during this time. You will definitely make someone’s holiday season better!
S – Share your time with others. At the end of the day, time is the only commodity that truly matters in life. If you can focus on spending quality time with others, it will be a great gift!
When you start making holiday plans this season, remember to focus on others! That’s a tried and true secret to enjoying an amazing holiday season!

Laurie J. James is one of the only 12 Master Career Directors globally. She co-founded and presided over the Professional Resume Writing and Research Association from 2000-2004. PRWRA rebranded to Career Directors in 2005. Laurie has created 10,000+ job-winning resumes in her career. She is a credentialed resume & LinkedIn profile writer, seasoned public speaker and award-winning career image coach. Visit her at www.lauriejjames.com.